Silver Harbour Property Owners Association


  Silver Harbour, Mb  


Archived 2014 Intitiatives by SHPOA Executive

  • SHPOA Environment Committee Update August 22, 2014.  Fred Veldink on behalf of the Environment Committee


    At the recent AGM questions were asked about where to find rocks and stone for landscaping and what kinds of grasses to plant along the shoreline.

      A) Rocks and stone.

    Rocks and stone of various kinds can be obtained from a landscaping business or from a quarry.

    Following is a list of places where one might obtain rocks and stone:

    -Bochurka Brothers, Beachside Rd,  Wpg Beach,  204-389-2011

    -Barry Johanneson, Arnes   204-642-7642

    -Eddies Gravel,  Hwy 9, Winnipeg Beach  204-389-2023

    -Gauthier Soil. 700 Seniuk Rd. 204-257-0270.

    -Gillis Quarries, Garson  204-222-2242. They supply limestone.

    -Graboweski, Rd 104 N, Sandy Hook  855-412-0697

    -Mariash Quarries, Stonewall   204-344-5115. The quarry is north of the town. They supply all kinds of landscaping stone.

    -Minerva Greenhouse  Hwy 8, Gimli  204-642-8643

    Please check listings, as there are many more places.

      B) Grasses.

    The area close to the water is called the Riparian zone. This zone is not very distinct along the lakeshore but very prominent along creeks. The next zone is called the Upland zone.

    Following is a list of grasses that are typically found in the Riparian zone. I will also include other native plants, shrubs and trees for both the Riparian and Upland zones

     Planting native species will enhance the ecological diversity and will encourage butterflies and birds to visit your yard.

    Following the list of species, is a list of suppliers of native grass seed, native flowers and shrubs and trees.

    Blue Joint (Calamagrostis canadensis)

    Cord Grass (Spartina pectinata)

    Foxtail (Alopecurus aequalis)

    Hair Grass (Deschampsia caespitosa)

    Manna Grass (Glyceria borealis)

    Reed Grass (Phragmites communis)

    Ribbon Grass (Phalaris arundinacea)

    Satin Grass (Muhlenbergia racemosa)

    Slough Grass (Beckmannia syzigachne)

    Sweet Grass (Hierochloe odorata)

    Other plants that can be included are: Reed Canary Grass, Wild Barley, Common Cattail, Woolly Sedge and the Hard Stemmed Bulrush.

    Native wildflowers include: Water Plantain, Arrowhead, Water Parsnip, Goldenrod, Buttercup, Swamp Milkweed and Wild Mint.

    Shrubs and trees include: Willows, Tamarack, Black Spruce, Cottenwoods, Trembling Aspen, Black Poplar and Green Ash.

    Please note: Silver Harbour is not part of the Prairie Vegetation Zone and some prairie grasses might not do well in our area.

    Following are the names, addresses and phone numbers of businesses that sell grass seed and other native plants. 
    1) Prairie Originals. 27 Bunn's Road. East Selkirk. Tel 204-785-9799

    2)Living Prairie Museum. 2795 Ness Ave. Winnipeg. Tel 204-832-0167

    3)Prairie Habitat Wildflower Nursery. 43 E Road, 82N. Argyle. Tel 204- 467-9371,

     4)Sage Garden Herbs. 3410 St. Mary's Rd. Winnipeg. Tel 204-257-2715

    It is always possible to collect wild seeds from plants you want in your yard.

    At the moment the Eastern Interlake Conservation District office in Gimli has free bags of Big Bluestem grass. This is Manitoba's official grass. The Conservation Office has a lot of valuable information, including information on our watershed.

  • Aug 19, 2014 - RM Work - Reported by David Curry and Larry Stafford

    A very thorough cleaning of the culvert heads and drainage ditches was completed in the areas we previously highlighted.

    No lake front culverts were cleaned because of the high lake levels at this time. Perhaps this fall providing the lake level recedes, as there is a fair amount of water that is backed up now that would release if the lake was lower.

    For some reason the culvert head that crosses Brayden (across from the Batkes) was not done.  This could be done in the fall if he comes to clean the lake culvert.
    The last item we discussed was the mowing of Boundary Rd. This has not been done and we're hoping it can be done this coming week?

    The drainage issue for Mariner’s Bay and Colonization has been completed;


    The drainage issue for Thorvaldson Dr. has also been completed with a new culvert installed at the north end of the street.


    Work is currently being done on the second walkway (south end) - excavate and placing of rock on the drainage ditch bank.


    This should be completed by August 19.

  • ·        Information on a proposal to extend the Gimli Sewage system to Silver Harbour

    o   Click here to read a presentation by the Municipality

    o   Click here to read a handout of initial projected costs presented

    o   Click here to read an analysis by Wayne Harden of the proposal.


    ·        Notes from walkabout Dave Curry and Peter Peiluck July 28, 2014

    A review of  Brayden Drive with Peter and Larry Stafford to look at the water flows and drainage systems; 

    * Clean culvert head of vegetation on the east side of Brayden adjacent to the Batke’s (69 Brayden)


    * Clean and dredge (same) culvert and area on the west side of Brayden (pond side)

    * Clean culvert head and scrape (pond) area around it on the west side of Bryaden opposite the Menard’s (85 Brayden)

    * Scrape the west side ditch along Brayden opposite the Ward’s          (91 Bryaden)

    * Dredge out the walkway drain ditch between 85 and 91 Bryaden and open up the culvert head to the lake

    This is one interconnected drainage system of culverts and ditches that drain into the lake through the walkway ditch between 85 and 91 Brayden.

    Boundry Road is a safety concern and a significant drainage problem. The work being done on Mariners Bay, which when complete will bring the water flow west (away from the lake) draining into Colonization which will then flow north into Boundary Road.

    If Boundary is not mowed the water coming from Mariners through Colonization will not flow east down the Boundary trail to the lake.

    ** An inappropriate sized (short) culvert was installed across Boundary during the Berm construction that  causes the Boundary roadway to narrow significantly without warning, approximately 200-300 meters east of Colonization. This sudden drop-off could place the public and RM or contract maintenance workers and their equipment in danger.

    It would appear that the  work on Brayden could be relatively quick but the Boundary Rd work is more involved but a higher priority. So in essence, Boundary should be mowed & dredged after mowing.

    Wayne Harden has advised of the issue of erosion on the north side of the walkway close to the main dyke.

    Dave Curry to contact Bill Bracegirdle regarding the signage on the  public beach which is on Federal lands (Oceans & Fisheries). This is to determine what the signage should state.

    Drainage on Mariners Bay is being addressed to ensure that the water flows properly through the area and onto Colonization drainage. Also noted is the commencement of drainage maintenance on Thorvaldson Drive.

    It is hoped that with the re-work on Mariners Bay and Colonization the problems associated with Nautilus Lane will be solved; this will be reviewed after the drainage work is completed on Mariners Bay/Colonization.

    The drainage issue on Stefansson Drive is not being looked at this time  due to the higher priorities placed on Mariners Bay /Colonization/ Thorvaldson;  it is not forgotten.

    The drainage issue raised by Bill Bracegirdle in Old Arnes Place is going to need some further investigation. The RM has confirmed that there is sway of  land that is owned by the RM and it is through this piece of land the problem seems to exist. To resolve this issue the RM is stating that it is going to be necessary to clear this piece of land to try and get a handle of where the problem lies. This issue needs further discussion.

  • SHPOA AGM July 20, 2014  Environment Committee Report

Environmental issues continue to figure prominently, especially issues concerning Lake Winnipeg.

 Questions that were raised at last year's AGM were researched and the info put on our website under "Current Topics"

On June 14th an update was added under Current Topics that dealt with Zebra mussels, Lake Winnipeg regulation, Lake Winnipeg cleanup, Frogs and Mosquitoes.

On June 15 a second update was added dealing with shoreline erosion and what property owners can do to reduce it.

Perhaps to most important issue in the coming months will be the hearings that will be organized by the Clean Environment Commission in response to an application by Manitoba Hydro for a permanent license to regulate Lake Winnipeg. Currently Manitoba Hydro operates under an interim license that was issued more than 40 years ago. We discussed this issue 2 years ago but the planned hearings were cancelled. The Environment Committee plans to prepare a brief to be presented at the hearings. To ensure that we truly represent the property owners of Silver Harbour, the committee urges everyone to share views, opinions and suggestions on this important issue. Your input is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Environment Committee,

Fred Veldink

  • June 14, 2014. -  Environment committee update - Fred Veldink

Following are a number of items that might be of interest to the membership:

1) Zebra mussels.

 As of Saturday, June 14 the zebra mussel program has been completed at Silver Harbour and the curtain has been removed. Boaters can again freely enter and leave the harbour. Hopefully the mussels have been eradicated in the harbour and have not had a chance to spread into the lake. However considering the strong winds of the last few days and the corresponding change in water levels it is quite possible that mussels have entered the lake. Please be vigilant and check boats and structures near the water for zebra mussels and report any findings to the Department of Natural Resources.  (Click here for more information on Aquatic Invasive Species)

2) Lake Winnipeg Regulation.

Three years ago Manitoba Hydro applied for a permanent licence to regulate Lake Winnipeg. For the past 30 years Hydro has operated under an interim licence. Before a permanent licence can be issued, Public Hearings must be held by the Clean Environment Commission. The original hearings were postponed to allow the CEC to conduct hearings on the Bipole 3 transmission line and the Keeyask generating station.  Public meetings will be held this fall in communities around the lake. The Environment Committee has discussed the issue in the past and will participate in the hearings to ensure that the views and concerns of property owners are taken into consideration. Please feel free to communicate any concern, observation, ideas or questions to your Environment Committee.

3) Lake Winnipeg Cleanup.

Earlier this week the Manitoba government unveiled a blueprint to bolster the cleanup of Lake Winnipeg. The $320 million plan involves the management of run off, construction of retention ponds and the protection of marshes and wetlands. The blueprint is a consultation document that will evolve over time and provides an opportunity for stakeholders to provide input. Also the federal government announced $1 million in funding for 16 research projects.   It will be interesting to see how strategies and plans to clean up the lake will be dealt with when hearings are held on the regulation of the lake.

4) Frogs

This spring it has been unusually quiet in the ditches and other bodies of water.  Every year we have tons of frogs in our ditch and in fact last fall we saw hundreds of frogs on the beach and in the ditches. This year I have seen very few frogs. Also the kids who play on the beach and always seem to be busy catching frogs did not have much luck catching any. This is troubling. Frogs are delicate creatures and are a reliable barometer of the health of the environment. In order to protect the few frogs that are around, please tell your youngsters to make sure they release any frog they catch. Also please be careful when mowing your lawn. Frogs often sit in the grass to catch insects. Give them a chance to move out of the way.


Mosquitoes are plentiful this spring and with wet weather in the forcast the situation is bound to get worse. Fewer frogs and thus far a total absence of dragon flies makes the mosquito problem worse. Also, it seems that there are fewer insect eating birds around.  

  • June 15, Environment Committee update 2.

Lake levels this spring are high and with winds from the North and East our shoreline takes a real beating.

There are several ways we can help protect the shoreline and prevent erosion:

 1)Preserving and protecting willows that grow along the shore. Willows have extensive root systems that hold the sand in place. Removing the roots will accelerate shoreline erosion. Cutting back willows, provided there is enough of the branches left, does not necessarily have a negative impact as the roots can continue to hold the soil together. All vegetation along the beach provides protection against erosion and should be preserved although permanent high water levels combined with storms will eventually destroy even these natural barriers. Even grasses with extensive root systems can play a significant role in combatting erosion. Without the root systems the sandy and loose material will rapidly wash away

2) Not removing large rocks and boulders from the beach and from the water near the beach. These obstacles cause the waves to break prior to hitting the shore, thus reducing the impact on the shore.

3) Maintaining and preserving the sandy levee or ridge along the shoreline. In some places this natural levee was formed by the waves by a process known as littoral or longshore drift. This natural ridge acts as a significant barrier and should be preserved.

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